Monday, February 4, 2008

The Teenagers are going to seduce you.

OK. So I didn't go to THE TEENAGERS show last week at Spaceland. My girlfriend was sick and she forgot her wallet with her ID in it back in Thousand Oaks. So I wasn't about to leave her sleeping in the car in Silverlake. Even though she tried to get me to. She knew I was upset about it. But I would have been even more upset if someone broke into the car and tried to rape her while she was passed out on NyQuil. (plus thats my job. OMG Kidding) So I felt bad. The Teenagers lovely managers went through the trouble of getting me a photo and press pass. And I didn't even get to use it.

So to make up for things... I did manage to get my hands on a copy of the forthcoming debut record. Reality Check. Since I cant review the show, which was apparently pretty much awesome, especially since Run Run Run played with David J of Bauhaus and Love and Rockets apparently joining them for a rendition of No New Tale To Tell... Ok... I'm gonna stop being irritated now.

Ok So The Teenagers. This is a strapping young band fresh out of Paris and London, respectivley... These guys just got listed as performing at Coachella this year. and they just played 4 or 5 shows here in the US. Expect to hear a lot about these kids.

The songs deal with dating and... well teenager things. Most of the time It feels like one of the two vocalist is reciting entries directly from his diary, of his frustration with his girlfriends as well as his conquest of some fresh young tan San Diego piece of a... err his conquest of a nice young girl from california, who apparently sees things very differently than he does. In the track Homecoming.

All in all this band is very enjoyable. I smile every time I listen to the album. The music is excellent post brit/french pop. Excellent Bass Lines. Great Synth Lines. Great guitar riffs. and Vocals that feel like they were recorded by a drunk french dude... who sounds more like he's in his 40's than in his teens... which adds a creepy and funny factor all at the same time. If you listen to the tracks I post here, I guarantee you will picture some french dude trying to seduce you. I can say that sort of thing, because I'm french. And thats exactly how I think I would sound if i had a french accent and I were trying to seduce you. It's been known to happen... when I've had a lot to drink.

It's hard for me to decide which track to post, since there are so many on the album that I just absolutely adore. So this is one of those rare and special occasions where you get to have 2 Tracks. These aren't necessarily my favorite tracks. Because I cant pinpoint which track are my favorites. they are just a couple tracks that I figure sums up the bands style pretty well.

So if you guys make it back out to the US any time soon... I would love to write a review of your live show. If the album is this fun, I can imagine the live rendition being an absolute blast.

Everyone else. Go grab this album when it gets released. Or buy the digital version of it now. Listen to it. Get drunk. and Make out with your girlfriend or boyfriend. and then blog about it. Buy their T-Shirts and talk about them to everyone.

MP3: The Teenagers - Feeling Better
MP3: The Teenagers - Homecoming

Oh yea PS. I turned 28 today. so if you wanna send me free music or tickets to shows anyone, feel free to do that.


Anonymous said...

LOL@your "that's my job" comment ... hehe.

You're such a good guy, Dave ;-)

Unknown said...

28? Still just a punk kid! ;)