Monday, September 24, 2007

One more for the road

MP3: Miracle Fortress - Have you seen in your dreams?

I've got one more quickie for you.

And we all know how you love quickies. wait... what?


Miracle Fortress is the main recording project of Graham Van Pelt. A native of Montreal. It's also Graham's band featuring Jessie Stein, Jordan Robson-Cramer and Adam Waito.

It's a good mix of ambient drones and progressive post and classic rock. Very very interesting to say the least. There's allot of texture going on here as well as a lot of building and dropping off.

It works really well for a rainy day. Which might be why I've been listening to the album allot lately.... The album in question is called "Five Roses". Five Roses is the first full-length Miracle Fortress album, available via Secret City and Rough Trade

Yet another artist that has opted out of the typical website idea, and has instead found solace within the digital warmth that is myspace.

Here's a clip of them playing at the montreal pop festival.

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